The reason I ask is because I feel like I'm getting borderline racist with my searches trying to get Google or Bing to provide me with pictures of men who are not white just to add that bit of color and diversity to my visuals.
The only people of another race that come up tend to be professional athletes or actors (and I prefer not to use them). Do you have the same issue? I can type "athletic + guy" or "handsome + jogger" and not see a single Asian, Black, or Latino for a couple of pages. Is there a site / sites you look to? I'm happy to reference them.
I always have the same issue. If you check out my blog, it's mostly white hotties. Which is funny since my husband is Latino and my thing is latino guys.
But you featured Hrithik Roshan on Dec 20th. :) Hot is hot, who cares what color box it comes packed in - white is fine too.
That's interesting. I'm going to look into this
Being a Latino I notice these things more than most people. I adore black men and find it difficult to run across good photos.
Bosguy, I don't think it is you. I think it is the culture we live in, which to be very honest is very WASPSM centered. Worse, those who have the power to easily change that are perfectly happy to keep it that way. Finding diverse representations of anything in the US tends to be very difficult. It is extremely frustrating and disheartening considering how much influence we have had over the last fifty years. Maybe that will change as India and China take more of the world stage?
Singapore calendar guys. Singapore male models.
This post makes me feel welcome. ^_^
I'm having the same issue. It's not that I don't find other races attractive, it's so darn hard to find photos. Is it because non-Caucasians are not as inclined to taking topless photos or gasp...nude. All you hot ethnic men, please send me your photos. :)
yeah all the time! And I agree with Kyle it is the society we live in. Its like that with women too, so hard to find a non white beautiful woman who isnt a video hofeassional.
Off topic (I only know of one sometimes-semi-cute-half-Filipino guy...) I wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year. Looking forward to the places your blog always takes us - thanks for the trips and pics! Best - Alan
Happy New Year from Canada!
I run into the same problem Bos. It is very hard to find hot photos of men who are not very light skinned.
I personally visit about 45 blogs a day as well as tumbler and out of the thousands of pics I have harvested for my blog, less then 50 are of black men.
I don't seem to have too much trouble finding light skinned latinos or asians, but it seems like the only dark skinned males you find are in porn or sports blogs.
Let us know if you find a good site. We are all hungry for some diversity.
David Dust seems to find them, but while I haven't tried to look myself I'm not at all surprised to learn it can be challenging.
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