Friday, June 17, 2011

Fitness Friday update

Its been quite awhile since I've written about my work outs. In part because I hurt my left shoulder in late April / early May and have had to scale back my lifting regimen and in part because I've fallen off the work-out wagon (so to speak).

The horror of heading to Ptown in a few weeks has been enough of an impetus to at least get a few runs in this week and the purchasing of a new bathing suit has led to a renewed focus on getting more ab routines as well. Its probably all in vain too because I feel like between my gin soaked olives and the occasional afternoon cookie at best I'm treading water.

Do you work out regularly? How do you try to stay fit? Do you play sports, run, work out a gym? Misery enjoys company so inspire me with your dedication or make me feel better about my slacking by owning up and sharing your own backsliding (so to speak).


Rob from VA said...

I ran miles today (which is a lot for me). I've gone running everyday this week and done pretty well dietarily. You have to find something to motivate you. When I'm running, I'm usually listening to music that gets my blood flowing and keeps my feet moving. You have to find what motivates you.

Also, I have found that when I go to bed at night thinking about going running early the next morning, that certainly helps me to actually get up and do it.


Dale Who. said...

I'm in shape. Round is a shape. I'm losing weight, in a half hearted, on/off, not really into this at all sorta way. I am trying to up my exercise level (slightly) as I've seen dead people with more stamina than me... and little by so very little, it's working. But I'm honest about it, so er... that's something, lol!

Thomas (Tom) Rimington said...

Sorry to say... I am a total "slacker"... Mike and I have an understanding... I do the inside and he does the outside (like mowing etc...) and we both believe it's 5:oclock somewhere when we are not working...

Fresco said...

I’m trying to swim twice a week and go to the gym once a week for Club Power i.e. a 1 hour group training lifting weights on camp pop songs. Music is definitely stimulating. I even have a water proof MP3 for swimming. Also, having to buy a new bathing suit now and then is also very motivating :-)

Alan Bennett Ilagan said...

I've fallen off the fitness wagon the past few months too - with no injury excuse, just laziness. And now that my lifting bench has been used as an extra table it's hard to work up the energy to clean it off, much less work out. So instead of upper body I've been doing kettle bell swings since I haven't curbed my eating. It's not working...

Blobby said...

I do NOT run. I hate it.

I bike. A lot. I do Spin twice a week, or will get back to it when my tendinitis is better.

But I lift. I lift 4x a week. Three times at 05:30 and once on Saturday at 08:30. Arms. Legs. Chest. Abs.

It makes me sound like I'm in great shape. I'm not, but getting there. I'm thinner and I have definition- which is more than I can say I've had before. I'm approaching 3 years of doing this - again, a milestone (for me).

Mostly it's not misery. It soothes my OCD and I have come to miss it terribly when I cannot be at the gym.