Its true that there is a liberal bias that exists in Massachusetts and through much of the northeast but it seems to me with very few exceptions there is conservative media bias that runs through most of the rest of the United States. Can you imagine this same exact advertisement running in the southwest, midwest, bible-belt or south?
Massachusetts is about to celebrate the 7 year anniversary of legalizing same-sex marriage. In a large part Massachusetts was the first to step into the 21st century because of the progressive attitudes which the local media here represent. So the next time there is a cry about the "liberal media" look around and ask yourself if all of the media is so terribly liberal or is the media just representing and articulating the views that are of interest and important to their constituents. Nobody seems to raise a ruckus when the Manchester, NH, Tulsa, OK or the Birmingham, AL paper skewers President Obama so if the NYT or the Boston Globe ticks you off then read whatever it is that Sarah Palin reads... Of course don't be vulgar enough to spring that surprise question on her because she just may accuse you of being a part of the "Liberal Media"... (a la Katie Couric).
I can assure you I don't stay in Massachusetts because of its gorgeous weather. The liberal values, which are embraced here and seem to be such an anathema to the majority of the country, is a distinction that is not lost on me and something I cherish.
And some of us wished we lived there. My partner is from Boston but we are too tied down with property and his career to make the switch. Yet, in Florida we can't get married and we have to put up with shit coming from the Evangelical-right wing Teahadists every day.
never mind the newspapers here...I had to cancel my subscription to the Sentinel because all they published was letters from right wing asshats.
We stayed in NY for the very same reason: it's relative safety for and support of same-sex couples and liberal attitudes. We are beginning to realize we may have chosen the wrong state :-(
I don't see a liberal media bias where I live. Our local TV news is neutral, which I like, but the local fish wrap (newspaper) is die hard conservative.
I moved 1,000 miles north (of Miami) to the Commonwealth of Virginia... I guess I am slowly making my way to MA...
I hope we are next
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