The event, which started in NYC, now takes place in many cities (including Boston) so if you happen to be on the metro with people in their boxers on Sunday don't be caught off guard.
You can read more about the 2011 No Pants Subway Ride Boston here. The weather in Boston will be freezing (literally), but I'm flirting with the idea of hopping on the "T" (Boston's metro) with no pants - we'll see.
Whoo wee...it's going to be CHILLY!
DO IT! I would do it. Hell, if I had the time, I'd take the day off and come to Boston and do it with you. But you better take a picture if you participate!
Bosguy, live, live, live! And don't forget to tell us all about it.:)
I had no idea this happened in Boston! Damn it. if I didn't already have plans this weekend....
My fly tends to gap. I wonder how many others will be gapping, and where I can go to see the pics of those gaps...
If you do this, you must do the Santa Speedo Run with me!
If the weather cooperates, I may be in town for this (not intentionally for this, but coincidentally, I swear). That said, I can guarantee it won't cooperate enough to get me into my underwear on the T.
Hey, this is one of the organizers of Boston's No Pants ride. You should definitely come. Yes, I'm biased. But it's a ton of fun. There's no fly gaps. It's fairly modest. No indecent exposure. Not to say some guys don't come in Undergear brand underwear (I guess so they can find each other? Like a secret handshake? :-P )
That could be fun to watch
no gap undies please, definately not worth a sneak peek on a cold day on the subway.. that view is available by the trenchcoat fellas at the park in the summertime.
no wee little willys please!
Definitely do it. Don't worry about gaps. Everyone else will be just as cold. And please don't be one of those double undies guys, either. I'm not necessarily saying let it all hang out, but there's no need to hide all evidence of your maleness. Men bulge. No shame in that.
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