If you're not from the area you may even struggle to say this expression correctly. Don't be shy, its impossible to over-emphasize the second syllable of "Pissa". Incidentally, it is also correct to write this as "Pissah" in my book.
If you hear someone say "Wicked Pissa" what they are saying is something is really awesome. For example, watching the Celtics make the Lakers cry uncle in Sunday afternoon's game this past week was a wicked pissa.
When I first saw this image I thought it was a bodily function. LOL!
I loved watching the Celtics make the Lakers cry uncle. I can't stand that team.
Was the Boston accent heard in Good Will Hunting at all accurate in your opinion?
Love it! Makes me want to repost my "you know your from Boston when...." post!
oh they have a language?
Its been awhile since I saw Good Will Hunting, but as I recall the accents were fairly dead-on Southie accents. The only one who I recall made me wince was Robin Williams, but he was so good otherwise as the caring psychologist I looked beyond it except for the scene where he talks about his wife "farting"... hearing that many forced "Rs" drop in one conversation was tough to get past.
Thats just my humble opinion.
Ha ha, he probably rolled his R's with the farting dialogues because he couldn't get the thought of her letting it rrrip out of his head. :-)
Do they still say "Wicked Pissa?" I remember it from my youth...in New York City. Believe it or not, but you can tell the difference among accents from Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Staten Island, and Manhattan!
Oh yeah, only 45 miles from Boston and I knew what it meant already.
Around here it's just Wicked, we leave off the pissah!
"Wicked Pissa"? I'm going to try saying that. Somehow I think I'll be punched :)
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