I'm pretty proud of myself for getting 3 runs in while I was in Puerto Rico this past week. Although I don't recall the details, I managed far better than my agonizing runs when I was last at this hotel in early December. Yesterday (Thursday) I hopped on the treadmill and ran 4 miles in 0:36:05 >> I believe this is my best time for 4 miles to date.
Today, Friday Feb. 18th is my first day back in the gym since Wednesday Feb 9th (the day before I left on vacation). Stu had me focus on chest and triceps. My previous work out last week we did the same and I set a new personal record for dumbbell presses. Today I beat my personal best from a week ago by 10lbs lifting 90lb dumbbells. Since prior to working out with Stu I had no idea what a dumbbell press was, I've included a photograph below that I found on the web.
I want to continue to build muscle and tone my upper body. To do this, I'll need to continue lifting heavier weights, but I think I'm going to have to lift lower weights w/ higher reps when I go to the gym on my own to build in that definition. I'm hoping that my continued running will help me shave off some of my belly before the really nice weather arrives. We'll see. If you are working out or just trying to get into a routine in time for spring / summer give me a shout. I get inspired by talking to other guys who are also struggling to get fit. What's the saying? "Misery enjoys company".

Handsome trainer BosGuy
I think I need a trainer
no pain no gain. :)
Keep it up! And keep exercising too.
Keep it up - sounds like you are doing pretty well. Think summer on the beach! That's been enough to scare me into submission.
Way to go! And three runs on vacation? I'm impressed! OK -- you've guilted me into running tomorrow, the holiday!
Don't make the rest of us look too bad!!
I hit the gym this morning before work -- something I never, never NEVER do. I'm focused on summer, too.
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