Its been a spectacular summer in Boston and I've taken full advantage of every opportunity that has come my way. Later this weekend I'll post some additional pictures from my trip to Provincetown last week to further illustrate this point.

However, all those great memories came to a crashing halt when I received my American Express bill earlier this week. Talk about a buzz-kill. The invoice which details every transaction was a record 3 pages long filled with purchases of bottles of champagne (mental note I do need to pick up another bottle), stays at lovely B&Bs in Provincetown, and the more than occassional dinner out.
Realizing that I've spent more than I anticipated and have to stop the spending spree makes me want to paraphrase my 6 year old nephew, Jack, when he learnt that sometimes things don't always work out the way you would like, "That sucks." My sister the excellent mother that she is, quickly corrected him to say, "That stinks." But I think I'll stick to Jack's initial reaction as it sums up my feelings exactly.
Jack sounds like a wise young man.
Yikes - I'm in the same boat right now! But you gotta have some fun with the boys sometimes!
American Express has killed my buzz more times than I care to recount.
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