Words matter - if they didn't this sign would not be so funny. I still remember when this small park on West Newton Street was being built and the first time I saw the name of the new neighborhood park. The irony is that the park happens to be in the traditionally gay neighborhood of Boston, the South End.
I'm sure Mr. (or Mrs.) Hiscock was a wonderful person, but unfortunately for them, locally this is not known as
Hiscock Park, rather it is referred to as His-
I can't tell you how many parks could have that sign appropriately applied to them. Many, MANY that I've been in !!
Funny! People just don't know, do they? That last name certainly warrents a name change.
That is hilarious!
I'm glad the guy who wrote that blurb for the Boston Phoenix has such a good sense of humor!
this is cute
I have a bunch of photos of this sign - and no matter how many I get I always take more because it's such a great name.
This is awesome! I'm so walking over to see it later! lol
tsk, tsk--so unfortunate (or is it?!). Reminds me of a wealthy socialite here in my little burg. Her full first name is Carlotta but she goes by "Lotta." And her last name? Go on, guess...
Dick! Lotta Dick!
I kid you not!
Awesome. I need to make this one park a destination.
With a name like that - it was destined for jokes!
Hmmm I imagine the after hours is festive at this park. :) ...but then again I have a dirty imagination lol
Love your blog!
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