Earlier today I received an e-mail inquiring why I don't have any pictures of me on my blog. I pointed out that I have several in my blog header, but upon further inspection realized I had not included any pictures in posts in quite awhile. Let's just say I'm a bit camera shy. Here's a shot of me goofing off a couple of years ago the last time I was in Rio de Janeiro.
Camera shy. Yeah, me too. Ahem.
I bet it was fun in Rio
Likey, likey and the box is a work of art too!
Here's hoping the trend continues - and that you get over the shyness!
Hey...you look just like a guy at my gym!
Great photo, BosGuy!
- mike
How is it that I'm JUST discovering your blog? A fellow Boston blogger that I didn't know about? Shame on me...
I'll be back. ;-)
I thought the same about your lack of pics - especially about gay pride in Boston - I was expecting to see you in your gay gear (lol!)....but that's a great pic!
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