Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 2010 resolutions

With only hours remaining until the start of 2010, I wanted to acknowledge my partner, family and friends and say thank you for making 2009 a wonderful year for me. I am excited to see what changes happen in the coming year and hope it is filled with health and happiness for me and those I love.  Although I'm making several resolutions to change certain behaviors, I thought I would also write down a few things about myself that I resolve not to change and promise to continue doing in 2010.

  1. I promise that I will continue to smile at strangers and say "hello" or "good morning" anytime I make eye contact with someone whether I know them or not. 

  2. I will not forget that opening a door for someone or saying "please" and "thank you" is something I was taught by my parents and makes me think of them every time I do it.

  3. I will value my personal relationships with family and friends but not to the exclusion of meeting new people and building new relationships.

Doing these things makes me feel better about myself.  Fortunately, these are also things that come naturally to me now and will require little in the way of "will power" unlike one of my more traditional resolutions (to stop biting my fingernails).  If you are making resolutions this evening, consider what things about yourself are worth preserving for 2010 and start the year celebrating what makes you special rather than what needs to change.


Margie said...

Very well put Rob, have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Love Margie said...

Happy New Year!

Great resolutions btw. :O)