Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Yesterday, I started my new job. The first week will be spent in orientation and today (my second day on the job) I flew to Atlanta to join approximately 75 new employees from all over the country. Today we were mostly fed company propaganda; mission statements, value speak, etc. However, I have to admit that I've found the dialog and the sessions very interesting.

The highpoint of the day was when I had to assemble a bicycle within a set time frame to be given to a local charity called CHRIS KIDS. This is an organization that offers free residential and summer programs as well as affordable mental health and substance abuse counseling to homeless children in Atlanta. For those who know me, the thought of me assembling anything is quite comical so I'm very proud that I was able to accomplish this with my team. I had hoped / thought I would be able to sit back and let more talented people assemble the bike but as it turned out - I was the one to do all / most of the work.

I am so pleased that my new employer included this in their orientation. The activity certainly made all the value speak from earlier in the day seem very real and not just semantics. They could have easily chosen another team building program that was either a contest or totally selfserving and the decision to turn this into an activity that gives back to such a worthy charity was not lost on me.

I'm still uncertain what my new job will bring, but I have definitely enjoyed this opportunity and am excited about moving forward.

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