A report compiled by Microsoft in late 2009 reports that 79% of hiring managers and job recruiters surveyed in the US reviewed online information about job applicants last year and
a large majority said that what they find online impacts their hiring considerations. 70% of hiring managers in the study indicated that they had rejected candidates based on what they had found. To this I say, "Oy-vey". You can download and read through the nearly 90 slide global study from Microsoft by linking
After reading this entry, a friend e-mailed me and said...
Maybe I should pull this quote from a friend off my wall, "finally back at home after serving that pesky prison term for embezzlement. let's party!"
I love my friends.
The irony is that these employers are hoping to find employees who are web savvy and have social media experience. How someone is supposed to know how to leverage facebook without having a facebook account is a mystery to me.
Then again, I keep my blog profile and my professional web identities totally separate.
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